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"Seafood Import Customs Declaration Case" The documents and customs declaration process required for import seafood customs declaration are here

  Documents required for seafood import declaration
  1. Certificate of Origin
  Sanitary certificate of aquatic products issued by the country of origin
  Plant inspection and quarantine permit
  2. Exchange bills of lading for bills of lading
  The consignee shall properly store the bill of lading provided by the consignor after receiving the bill of lading, the ordinary bill of lading must be the original bill of lading, and the telex release bill of lading can be a copy. After the frozen seafood arrives at the port of destination, the consignee shall change the bill of lading to the carrier or its agent。
  The customs declarant shall apply for inspection to the local import and export commodity inspection and quarantine department as soon as possible with the application form, import and export trade contract, certificate of origin, invoice, packing list, copy of bill of lading and bill of lading and other materials, and obtain the entry customs clearance。
  3, to the customs declaration
  Customs agents must declare the frozen seafood to the local customs within 14 days after the arrival of the port of destination with the declaration application, entry declaration, import and export trade contract, certificate of origin, invoice, packing list, bill of lading and copy of bill of lading and other materials。
  Arrive at the scene to cooperate with customs inspection。
  After applying to the customs, the customs agent must wait for all the documents provided before the customs review. After the documents are reviewed, the customs will notify the customs agent of the time and place to inspect the goods, and the customs agent must immediately notify the consignee to arrive at the scene to assist the customs inspection。
  4. Pay import taxes
  If the frozen seafood is inspected by the Customs without any abnormal conditions, the consignee will receive the tax payment letter issued by the customs, at this time the consignee should pay the tax within 15 days to avoid being charged a late fee of 5 ‰ of the amount of unpaid tax per day
  Pick up frozen seafood with customs release stamp
  After the consignee has paid the tax to the designated bank, the customs will provide the bank receipt, then the customs will stamp the release stamp on both the bill of lading and the waybill, and then the consignee can pick up and ship the frozen seafood with the release stamp on the bill of lading and the waybill。
  5, it is best to entrust a third party customs declaration
  Even under normal circumstances, customs clearance procedures are more complex, not to mention sometimes there are various abnormal circumstances, so even if your company is qualified to self-declaration, it is best to entrust a third-party customs broker to reduce costs and improve customs efficiency。
  Matters needing attention
  First, to determine the exporting country, not all countries can import seafood, only has been exported to China inspection and quarantine access qualification or has been exported to China trade seafood can be imported;
  Second, determine the aquaculture method, in the case of aquaculture, the need to provide an entry animal permit。
  Third, if you import frozen seafood, it is necessary to determine the frozen warehouse, if not recorded in the customs, it is not allowed to store。
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